Film notes and reviews » 2011/12 season » Bicycle Thieves, June 2012

Bicycle Thieves, June 2012

Italy 1948. Director: Vittorio De Sica.

Certificate U

Bicycle Thieves is an Italian neo realist masterpiece, one of the great films of world cinema.

Made with non professional actors, soon after the country’s devastation by war, this film really revolutionised how films are made. Filmed on location, exploiting spontaneous unscripted reactions the story has a power to involve as though we are watching real people coping with adversity. The simple story of searching for a stolen bicycle on which the father’s work depends is really seen through the eyes of the eight year old son.

This brilliant idea by de Sica makes the audience totally sympathetic and emotionally involved.

Audience Feedback

Audience / Responses Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
45/20 55% 40% 5%