Film notes and reviews » 2013/14 Season » Eight and a Half, April 2014

Eight and a Half, April 2014

Eight and a Half showing Thursday 24th April 2014 at the Cranleigh Film ClubItaly 1963. Director Frederico Fellini.

Certificate 15

A film like no other. Fellini’s follow up to La Dolce Vita was exploiting his own anxieties and professional crisis, by presenting daydreams, nightmares and frustrating confrontations.

He calculated he had made seven and a half films before this one (five full length and three shorts).The winner of the best foreign language Oscar, Fellini film is a complex, painfully honest study in self revelation.

Marcello Mastroianni is magnificent as Fellini’s tormented alter ego and he is ably supported by Anouk Aimee and Claudia Cardinale.

Audience Feedback

Audience / Responses Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
54/25 16% 32% 20% 16% 16%