2014/15 Season » Frances Ha, September 2014

Frances Ha, September 2014

Frances Ha, showing Thursday 25 September 2014 at the Cranleigh Film ClubUSA 2012. Director Noah Baumbach.

Certificate 15

Noah Baumbach directs his wife Greta Gerwig in the role of the ditsy heroine, in this offbeat, warm comedy of modern big city life.

The eponymous Frances copes with a lugubrious boyfriend, precarious employment and no permanent place to stay. Her happy/hapless existence is suddenly upset, she moves from address to address and realises her life is slipping away.

It is a short film, for showing following the AGM, but you will wish it were longer.

82 minutes.

Audience Feedback

Audience / Responses Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
65/28 7% 29% 18% 21% 25%